Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa kulan muhiim ah la qaatay Amiirka dalka Qatar…

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa kulan muhiim ah la qaatay Amiirka dalka Qatar Shiikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani kaas oo ay kawada hadleen arrimo kala duwan oo quseeya xiriirka labada dal ee walaalaha ah.

Dowlad Qatar ayaa saaxiib dhow la ah Soomaaliya iyadoo hadda ka wadda mashaariic horumarineed oo ay ugu weyn tahay dhisamaha waddada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Afgooye oo la dhammeeyay iyo sidoo kale Muqdisho iyo Jowhar oo hadda ay howsheedu socoto.

Waxaa sidoo kale la filayaa inay kawada hadlaan arrimaha siyaasada Soomaaliya iyo xiisada xiligan u dhaxeysa Raysalwasaaraha iyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Lataliyihiisa Amniga Fahad Yassin oo xiriir dhaw laleh dowlada Qatar.
Horseed Media
Qatar is a sincere friend of Somalia. Qatar is an Arab Muslim country. So is Somalia.
Now, we all know that Qatar wants to see an independent and prosperous Somalia.
Qatar is not interested in personalities. Qatar cares what is good for Somalia as a country.
Farmaajo and Fahad Yasin are good friends of Qatar. Only these two men don’t look like they have a good future in Somalia’s politics.
One of the bitter maximums about politics is that it deals with what is possible. What is feasible. Sometimes what is possible and feasible doesn’t coincide with your personalpreference. In such cases, one is forced to go with the possible and feasible rather than whatis theoretically preferable to you.
Now, Mr. Roble and his team are not enemies of Qatar. But in Qatari eyes, they aren’tyet true and tried friends of Qatar.
Little as my personal opinions matter to such an important and rich country as Qatar, I would advise Qatar to go with Prime Minister Roble’s team.
Farmaajo and Fahad are from minority clans, while Roble and his security minister, Abdullahi Mohamed Nur, both hail from the powerful clans who are the backbone of the Somali nation and proprietors of Mogadishu and the surrounding central and southern parts of Somalia.
In politics, one has to bet on the winning horses. And Farmaajo/Fahad team is hurtling towards the abyss. This is my opinion.