Abdihakim Abdirahman Isse (Dhagajun) Hodan district commissioner who returned from a medical trip to Turkey was…

Abdihakim Abdirahman Isse (Dhagajun) Hodan district commissioner who returned from a medical trip to Turkey was killed in a shootout near Hawlwadag intersection in Mogadishu last night.
Government forces on the road reportedly opened fire on the commissioner’s car, also injuring some of his bodyguards.
Dhagajun was recently in Turkey receiving medical treatment for injuries sustained in a bomb blast, and was killed hours after returning to the Somali capital.
The governor of Banadir and the mayor of Mogadishu Omar Filish who issued a statement this morning expressed his condolences over the killing and said that an investigation will be launched into the cause of the shooting between the government forces and the bodyguards of the deceased.
Horseed Media