EUTM-Somalia supports Somali National Army in multiple fields

Published: July 1, 2024

EUTM-Somalia, in cooperation with the UN, started the process of recruiting and delivering individual equipment to the Reconnaissance Battalion belonging to 14th October Brigade.

As a part of the process of delivering equipment to the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF), EUTM Somalia Advisory Team supported Somali National Army (SNA), Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Finance’s officials in a series of activities, to select and to assign specific personnel to the Reconnaissance Battalion belonging to the 14th October Brigade. In accordance with EUTM Somalia 8th Mandate, the mentioned operations were mainly conducted under the supervision of EUTM Somalia personnel and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) representatives. In a next step, individual equipment will be delivered to this battalion. The activities are to be considered as a part of a more complex process which aim is to create all the conditions to eventually fulfill Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF) needs. EUTM Somalia remains fully committed in building up the Somali Security Forces (SSF).

Own training
EUTM-Somalian soldiers train Somali Security Forces every day, but they do not forget that they are soldiers and that they themselves have to train. June 28th marked a significant milestone as they conducted a successful interoperability exercise. Following the Security Agreement between EUTM-Somalia and ATMIS Sector 1, signed by the respective Commanders, EUTM-S and ATMIS Sector 1 conducted the joint exercise “Green Shield 2024”. Through coordinated maneuvers and shared strategies, they demonstrated their ability to work seamlessly together, reinforcing their readiness for any future challenge.

The exercise involved a simulated response to a complex attack on a EUTM-Somalian convoy. This scenario required the coordinated efforts of ATMIS to provide Quick Reaction Force (QRF), Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Teams and recovery assets. Additionally, the recovery of a disabled EUTM-Somalian vehicle was integrated into the scenario to test the logistics and support mechanisms.

This exercise underscored the importance of joint efforts and highlighted the professionalism and dedication of all participating units. The lessons learned and experiences gained from Green Shield 2024 will undoubtedly contribute to the preparedness for future missions. The exercise was attended by EUTM-S MFCdr, Brigadier General Fulvio POLI and the Operations and Training Departments Chief of ATMIS Sector 1.

To adhere at 8th Mandate and EUTM-Somalia is providing capacity building through strategic level advice and training to Somali authorities within the Security Institutions in the Mogadishu Area as well as specific mentoring, advice, and training capacity. EUTM-Somalia also provides support, within means and capabilities, to other EU and International Partners in the implementation of their respective mandates following PSC guidance and given their values/principles/aims and interests aligned with the EU ones. In the next future, the Mission activities will not change; the SNA companies trained by EUTM-S personnel will be a further “tool” at disposal of Somali Authorities, both for struggling against Al-Shabaab and to start, in concrete manner, the transitional process for gradual withdraw of ATMIS troops and the contextual hand over of security responsibilities to Somali Defence Forces.