The European Union (EU) funded Strengthening the Capacity of Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary Education…
The European Union (EU) funded Strengthening the Capacity of Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary Education (SCOTTPS) programme under the auspices of Puntland Ministry of Education, carried out a familiarization workshop on Thursday 22nd July 2010 for the central and regional education officials, including the mentors that will be utilized in the project.
The workshop was attended by the Vice Minister of Education, Teacher Education Unit Staff, Administration and Finance Staff, Chief Inspector/SCOTTPS Focal Point person, 7 Regional Education Officers and 12 mentors. Also in attendance were the members from the Garowe Teacher Education College (GTEC) and East Africa University (EAU), as well as the SCOTTPS consortium members, ADRA and Diakonia.
Participants in the familiarisation workshop
The objective of the one-day workshop, held in Garowe, was to inform and equip the Ministry of Education officials on the process of producing the best teachers for Puntland, by strengthening the teacher mentorship systems already in utilization by the Ministry of Education.
The workshop was opened by the Vice Minister of Education, reiterating the importance of quality teacher education for the State of Puntland. The Vice Minister informed the meeting that the government had already made plans to carry out the final examination of the previous teacher training programmes between the 1st and 5th August 2010 and the subsequent selection of new teachers to start training in August and September 2010. He informed the meeting that mentors selected for the programme had proved themselves to have high level of knowledge and competence in teacher mentorship.
The main purpose of the 36 month programme that started in November 2009, is to contribute to the development of a sustainable, cohesive education system providing relevant primary and secondary education to all children and youth of Somalia. This project addresses two major problems affecting the provision of quality education in Somalia, which included lack of qualified teachers and low participation of women in education.
The European Union (EU) funded programme is implemented by a consortium consisting of CARE, Diakonia Sweden, ADRA Somalia, NRC and Save the Children as a lead. In Puntland the project is implemented by Diakonia Sweden and ADRA Somalia in partnership with Garowe Teacher Education College (GTEC), and East Africa University (EAU), both of which, bring a wealth of experience from the previous teacher training interventions.