Russian Ambassador Pledges Support for Somalia’s War on Terror

Published: May 21, 2024

MOGADISHU, Somalia (Horseed Media) – The Russian government reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Somalia’s fight against terrorism and efforts to develop the country during a meeting between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Russian Ambassador Mikhail Golovanov on Tuesday.

Ambassador Golovanov praised the progress made by Mohamud’s government in combating terrorist groups like Al-Shabaab that have destabilized Somalia for years. He stated that ensuring security and defeating terrorism are top priorities for Russian assistance to Somalia.

The two leaders also discussed opportunities for cooperation on development and humanitarian initiatives. Russia donated 25,000 tons of wheat to Somalia at the end of 2023 as part of its aid to nations impacted by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

President Mohamud expressed gratitude for Russia’s support and voiced optimism that the partnership between the two nations can continue expanding across multiple fronts.

The meeting signals Russia’s desire to exert more influence in the Horn of Africa amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Strengthening ties with the Somali government allows Russia to potentially gain a new ally in a strategic region.