Somalia: Puntland Police Arrest Two Suspected Daesh/ISIS Members in Bari Region

Published: February 9, 2024

Bosaso, Bari, Somalia – In a major counter-terrorism operation, Puntland police have arrested two high-ranking foreign members of the Daesh terrorist group, dealing a significant blow to the organization’s presence in the region.

The suspects, identified as Hassan Ibnu Mohamed Ibnu Hussein, a Moroccan national, and Mohamed Ibnu Mohamed Ahmed, a Syrian national, were apprehended in Ufeyn district of Bari region. According to police officials, the arrests were based on credible intelligence and mark the culmination of a six-month-long investigation targeting high-level Daesh operatives.

“This is a significant victory in our fight against terrorism,” declared a police spokesperson, adding that “both individuals are being interrogated and will face the full force of the law.”

The arrests come amidst growing concerns about Daesh in Somalia. Recent intelligence reports indicate the group is actively seeking to recruit and expand its operations in the country, with Puntland’s strategic location and porous borders making it a prime target.

The police operation was conducted in Ufeyn district, which lies close to the Al Miskad mountains, a known Daesh stronghold in the Bari region. Horseed Media reports that this is not the first time Puntland authorities have targeted Daesh in the area, with several high-ranking members reportedly arrested in the past six months.

Horseed Media