Somalia: Residents Protest against killing of UNODC workers

Published: April 11, 2014
Somalia: Residents Protest against killing of UNODC workers
Residents chanted slogans against the murder

Dozens of Residents in Galkayo town, north-central Somalia on Thursday protested against the killing of two UNODC consultants.

The two foreign workers were shot dead by unknown gunman who opened fire while they landed in Galkayo airport.

Residents were chanting slogans against the murder of the Briton and French aid workers.

“We are demonstrating to show our anger and dismay at the murder of the two aid workers,” said one of the Protesters.

Another demonstrator, told Journalists that the International community should understand that the people of Galkayo were ‘’opposed to those who carried out this act’’.

“Something terrible and tragic happened in Galkayo, but it will be even more tragic if the world were to punish us [the people] for the deeds of criminals,” said one of the women protesting.

Senior UN officials strongly condemned the killings, calling for Puntland local authorities to deal with the ‘’perpetrators’’. UN envoy to Somalia Nicholas Kay stressed that the murder of their colleagues won’t affect their relief mission in the war-ravaged nation.

Puntland President Abdiweli Gaas named a committee to investigate the incident and promised that ‘’anyone’’ involved in the ‘’murder’’ will face justice and ‘’punished’’.

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