Upholding Democracy: Condemning Selfish Political Games in Puntland

Published: July 7, 2023

“Puntland” An Examination of Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke’s Detrimental Approach to Democratization

“An Appeal to International Communities and the Somali People:

Contemplating the detrimental actions of Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, it is crucial for international communities to exert pressure and, if necessary, condone their actions. Their disruptive behaviour undermines the democratic progress and stability of Puntland, and it is imperative that they face consequences for their self-serving approach.”


The recent historic elections in Puntland, recognized and applauded by international partners and celebrated worldwide, stand as a testament to the democratic progress in the region. However, there exists a disturbing contradiction, as politicians like Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke demonstrate a lack of commitment to democratization, driven by personal grudges and a desire to remain relevant in the Somali political arena. This article critically examines their actions, highlighting the unfortunate and selfish approach they have taken, which undermines the democratic aspirations of the Somali people.

A Struggle for Democratization: A Tale of Jealousy and Self-interest:

The democratization process in Puntland faces significant challenges, exacerbated by the actions of politicians like Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. It is disheartening to witness their refusal to support the current election initiatives of the Puntland government, led by President HE Said Abdulahi Dani. Their motives, driven by personal rivalry and the need for media attention, betray a lack of genuine concern for the democratic aspirations of the Somali people.

Selfishness Over Statesmanship: An Unfortunate Reality:

Both Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, despite their considerable political experience, have chosen self-interest over statesmanship. Their actions demonstrate a disregard for the principles of democracy and a failure to prioritize the needs and aspirations of the Somali people. It is regrettable that these politicians, in their mid-sixties and with no indication of returning to Somali politics, opt to cling to the political arena for personal relevance, rather than supporting the crucial process of democratization.

Jeopardizing Progress: The Impact of Selfish Politics:

The recognition and applauding of Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke in the international community for their past contributions should not overshadow their current actions. By refusing to support the democratization efforts and instead perpetuating a circle of rivalry, they undermine the progress achieved and jeopardize the democratic aspirations of the Somali people.

A Call for Genuine Leadership: Prioritizing Democracy Over Personal Interests:

Somalia deserves genuine leaders who prioritize the principles of democracy, unity, and progress. Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, both American and Canadian citizens respectively, have experienced first-hand the benefits of living in democratic societies. Having lived and studied in the US and Canada, they have witnessed the transformative power of democracy and should be the staunchest supporters of democratization in Puntland.

An Appeal to International Communities and the Somali People:

Considering the detrimental actions of Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, it is crucial for international communities to exert pressure and, if necessary, condone their actions. Their disruptive behaviour undermines the democratic progress and stability of Puntland, and it is imperative that they face consequences for their self-serving approach.

Furthermore, a broader appeal is made to the Somali people, particularly the citizens of Puntland, to petition and demand that both gentlemen enjoy their retirements and refrain from sabotaging the democratic progress of Puntland. It is time for them to step aside and allow the democratic will of the people to prevail. The Somali people deserve leaders who prioritize their interests and work towards buildinga prosperous and democratic Puntland. It is through unity and collaboration that the democratic aspirations of the Somali people can be realized.


The contradiction between the historic elections in Puntland and the actions of politicians like Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke highlights the pressing need for genuine leadership and a commitment to democratic values. Their self-serving approach, driven by personal rivalries and a desire for relevance, undermines the progress achieved and jeopardizes the democratic aspirations of the Somali people. As American and Canadian citizens who have experienced the democratic principles of their respective countries, they should be champions of democracy in Puntland, not obstacles to its progress.

The international community is urged to exert pressure and condemn the actions of these politicians, while the Somali people, especially those in Puntland, are called upon to demand that Dr. Abdiwali Ali Gaas and Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke step aside and allow the democratic process to continue unhindered. It is time to prioritize the interests of the Somali people and build a democratic Puntland that serves as a shining example of progress and unity.

Democracy cannot thrive when personal interests supersede the collective will of the people. It is only through genuine leadership and a commitment to democratic values that the aspirations of the Somali people can be fully realized. Let us stand together in condemning selfish political games and work towards a brighter future for Puntland and Somalia as a whole.

Mr. Haybe Issa Hirad (Gacal)