Press Release
The European Union jointly with the Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range of the Federal Government of Somalia, the Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources of the African Union and the Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) launched today a new project supporting the Livestock sector in Somalia. The 3 mln. Euro initiative, “Enhancing Somali Livestock Trade (ESOLT)” is aimed at improving competitiveness of Somali livestock in regional and international markets through better quality products and market diversification.
“ESOLT” is a National Project which consolidates the achievements and impacts of previous EU funded support to livestock trade and marketing in Somalia and has been put in place to enhance also the capacity of the Ministries of Livestock at regional and national level in promoting and regulating the livestock production and trade and enhance the collaboration with private sector along the livestock value chain, from the small pastoralist production areas to the export market through the main ports of transit.
The growth of livestock trade is finally expected to contribute to the resilience of livestock dependent households across all Somalia increasing their income and reducing their vulnerability to natural disaster and market instability.
The project will improve and spread the use of existing livestock marketing information systems (LMIS), create awareness and develop capacity on Somali livestock value chain actors on trade negotiations and market quality requirements and will also develop pilot activities to promote standardised grades and branding of Somali livestock commodities and will improve and build infrastructure facilities for livestock marketing and handling. To enhance compliance with animal health market requirements, the action will provide training and financial support to the Veterinary authorities to strengthen their capacity to regulate and supervise animal health certification and quarantine operations,
The project has a duration of three years and will be jointly implements by AU IBAR and FAO in strict collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range ensuring the proper participation of private sector and Somali beneficiaries.
EU consolidates its support to livestock trade and marketing in Somalia
Published: April 21, 2016