Somalia Election: President Hassan might Face Stiff Challenge From a Close Ally

Published: April 30, 2016

Somali incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is once again campaigning for another four years term but this year he might face some stiff challenge from new candidates including some close friends and former political allies.
One of these possible candidates is Jibril Ibrahim Abdulle, the head of Centre for Research and Dialogue (CRD). Jibril has shown some interest to run for the August elections according to local media in Mogadishu.
Centre for Research and Dialogue (CRD) is one of the well-known NGO’s in Somalia and it is funded by the US. CRD has been involved with many peace building programs in the war torn country.
Mogadishu based media have been reporting that some family members of the President were trying stop Jibril’s candidacy in order to safeguard Hassan’s second term.
President Hassan and Mr.Jibril are both from the same tribe. This might also weaken the President’s support within his own clan.
Jibril is expected to resign from his position as director of CRD before he launches his Presidential campaign.
Horseed Media

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