Somalia: Mogadishu Mayor opposes ‘Daydreaming’ Population estimation survey results

Published: June 1, 2015

Somalia: Mogadishu MayorThe mayor of Somali capital, Mogadishu has criticized the recent population estimation survey final report launched by the Federal government of Somalia that was carried out by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Mr Mohamed Hussein Mungab, who is also the governor of Banadir province, said that the results of the survey were a ”daydream’’ and ‘’inaccurate’’.
Mr Mungab added that the statistic of Banadir population stated in the survey is far from reality which is 1,650,227, claiming that the population of Mogadishu is 3,600,000.
‘’We are the ones who are aware of the people living in Banadir province and should be asked.
‘’Someone at the satellite doesn’t have clue on census. It is a kind of Daydreaming which we don’t know how to interpret it,’’ he said in a speech, while launching developing projects in a Mogadishu neighbourhood.
The Population estimation survey has drawn wide criticisms from local elders and civil rights groups, saying it could create tensions and undermine the country’s recovery from the over two decades of civil war.
Horseed Media has learnt that the Federal government officials have ordered for a resurvey after multiple rejections from regional administrations and majority of the Somali population.
Horseed Media

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