Somalia: President Visits recaptured town from al-Shabaab militants

Published: August 26, 2015

Somalia: President Visits recaptured town from al-Shabaab militantsSomalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Wednesday made unannounced brief trip to the recently captured town of Dinsor, which was the last major stronghold of al-Shabaab insurgents in the South-western part of the country.
Accompanied by government ministers and army officials, Mr Mohamoud met officials in the town and hailed the Somali and African Union forces’ achievement to take over the control of the strategic city town from the militants.
President Mohamoud pledged to residents that his government will provide the basic needs with the support from international aid organizations.
Bardhere and Dinsor were major strongholds for al-Shabaab militants until end of last month when African Union forces and Somali government troops launched offensives to liberate them from the al-Qaeda-linked militants.
African Union troops pushed al-Shabab out of Mogadishu in August 2011, ending more than four years of control of the capital by the fighters. The Ugandan and Burundian troops that make up the bulk of the African Union force in Mogadishu have slowly been taking control of towns outside of Mogadishu.
Ever since losing key towns in Southern and Central Somalia, the group has staged guerrilla attacks and suicide missions in the capital, Mogadishu killing civilians and government officials.
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