Somalia: Puntland President visits refugee camp and meets refugees coming from Yemen

Published: May 23, 2015

Somalia: Puntland President visits refugee camp and meets refugees coming from Yemen
Puntland President Abdiweli Mohammed Ali ‘’Gaas’’ visited on Saturday a makeshift camp in Bossaso city, which is home to thousands of refugees who have fled the conflict in Yemen.
Accompanied by officials and Yemen ambassador to Somalia Mr. Mansur Ali Rayash, the President’s visit was to monitor the living conditions in the camp and meet the refugees.  The camp is hosting more than 3,000 refugees most of whom are women, children, people with disabilities and patients.
The families he met described the effects of the conflict on their lives and the daily challenges they experience in the camp regarding housing and the cost of living.
They told the President they need more assistance and appealed to the Puntland state and rest of the international community to help them.
After finishing his tour round the camp, the Puntland leader praised the local residents of Bossaso on the way they have received and supported the refugees throughout.
“I would like to offer my personal sympathy to those who have fled the violence in Yemen. We [Puntland] are determined to assist our fellow brothers and sisters,’’ he said in a Press conference.

He called on the Federal government of Somalia to assist the refugees affected by the violence with the acquired aid from the international community.
Yemen ambassador to Somalia said that his government is ‘’delighted’’ with the way Puntland local residents have welcomed and treated the Yemeni nationals who have escaped to the relative stable region.
An estimated 7000-plus refugees have arrived in the port town of Bossaso since 1st of April when the conflict erupted in the impoverished middle-eastern country.
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