Somalia: Security forces seize bomb-laden car in Mogadishu

Published: May 10, 2016

Somalia: Security forces seize bomb-laden car in MogadishuAn explosives-laden car has been seized by the Somali security forces in the capital Mogadishu on Tuesday, a day after a suicide car bomb attack killed five people, Horseed Media reports.
The car was captured in the early morning hours along the busy road of Makka al-Mukarama, with the security forces partially closing the road for safety reasons.
A Police official told Horseed Media that they had prior information that a vehicle carrying explosives was planning to carry out an attack. Bomb disposal experts disposed the bomb setup inside the car following an examination.
No suspects were arrested for the failed terrorism bid.
On Monday morning, a car laden with explosives detonated next to the headquarters of Traffic Police, killing three Police officers. Al-Shabaab claimed the responsibility for the attack.
Horseed Media

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