The President: "We are committed to substantive security sector reform"

Published: September 10, 2015

HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today highlighted the Federal Government’s ongoing work to reform the national security sector.

“Securing the peace of Somalia is the most critical task ahead of this government,” the President said. “Without peace we cannot have development and without development we cannot have prosperity.

“Significant gains have been made in the past three years, including liberating more than 75% of Somalia from al-Shabaab, and more recently, beginning the process of national troop integration.

“We must now take constructive steps towards building a more integrated, accountable and transparent security sector. Ensuring that the national security sector is subject to rigorous oversight, operates transparently in relation to personnel, purchases, salaries and operations is the driving factor behind the reforms we are announcing today.

“The Federal Government recognises and pledges to exercise a responsive duty of care to men and women who are serving in our security sector. The first order of this is to take responsibility for timely, adequate payment to our forces.

“I am pleased that General Mohamed Aden Ahmed has recently accepted the appointment as Head of Somalia’s Armed Forces. He will, under the guidance of the Executive and with the support of Council of Ministers, lead the process of reform and integration.

“An ad hoc approach to establishing systems and processes will be tolerated no longer. We will support all security sector institutions to do better. The Somali people must have confidence, and our international partners must have confidence that we are establishing a security sector that is well managed and well monitored,” the President said.

Further to recent consultations and an internal review of the financial governance of our security sector, the Federal Government today confirmed the following commitments:

 Ensuring regular pay on a timely basis for national security sector personnel.

 Carry out a count of the number of security sector troops and invite international representatives to joint counting process within the next three months, in order to begin governance oversight functions.

 The transfer of a cash-based system of payment to electronic payments for all expenses – with immediate effect.

 All tenders for logistic supplies will be carried out through the Interim Procurement Board.

 Undertaking a security sector financial governance review, with the support of our international partners, including recommendations for budgetary and procurement processes that are open to independent audit.

 Undertaking one comprehensive biometric registration process, with the support of our international partners, within the next three to five months. This will establish a foundation on which to build a transparent and sustainable national payroll process.

 Concluding the comprehensive review of our security sector in order to address current structural imbalances and inefficiencies. The review includes a national threat assessment in order to rationalise the roles, missions and resource allocations across the security sector.

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