UN Envoy for Somalia welcomes launch of the National Consultative Forum on the electoral process for 2016

Published: September 22, 2015

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has welcomed the formal launch of the consultative process on the electoral process for 2016.
“I welcome the agreement today to establish the National Consultative Forum on the electoral process for 2016,” said SRSG Kay. “The Forum will be critically important to Somalia’s peacebuilding and statebuilding efforts, and will lead to a political transition when the mandates of the Somali executive and legislature end next year.”
“I am especially delighted the progress has been achieved on International Peace Day. I salute the efforts of the Federal Government, Federal Parliament and the leaders of Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug and the South West Administration. Today they were united for peace,” added SRSG Kay.
SRSG Kay underscored several key elements for the consultative process, noting it should be Somali-led, open and transparent and consistent with the Guiding Principles that were agreed to at the High-level Partnership Forum in July 2015.
SRSG Kay stressed the importance of inclusivity and representation in the next Parliament to be formed in 2016, noting that the Somali people want to see a Parliament that reflects of the diversity of Somalia. Women, youths, and minorities should be properly represented to ensure a more united and more dynamic Somalia than ever before.
“A very ambitious timetable lies ahead. After today, a National Consultative Forum will convene on 14 October, followed by a series of regional public consultations. Views of Somalis from the diaspora will also be important,” said SRSG Kay. “The United Nations will support the consultation process, together with the Federal Government and other partners.”
“It is despicable that on International Peace Day and in the wake of such a major step towards building peace and stability in Somalia that terrorists exploded a bomb on a busy street in the center of Mogadishu, killing several people,” said SRSG Kay. “I condemn this barbaric act of terrorism and attempt to undermine the political progress, and offer my sincere condolences to all those affected.”
The United Nations remains committed to supporting Somalia’s peace and state-building process.

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