Quint Partners Reaffirm Support for Somalia, Discuss Regional Tensions and Security

Published: May 3, 2024

Representatives from Qatar, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, and the Federal Government of Somalia met in London on Tuesday for the sixth Somalia Quint meeting to discuss regional issues and coordinate support for Somalia.

The Quint Partners noted ongoing regional tensions in the Horn of Africa and called for de-escalation and dialogue. They reaffirmed their support for the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

A key focus was on Somalia’s constitutional reform process. The partners emphasized the importance of an inclusive political process and discussed recent progress, including plans for a National Consultative Council.

On the security front, the partners reaffirmed backing for Somalia’s ambitions to increase stability. They agreed to collaborate in developing Somalia’s security sector, including through information sharing and training assistance aligned with Somalia’s Security Sector Development Plan presented by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

The partners welcomed plans for a new mission following the end of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). They recognized the importance of a focused mission to support Somalia as it takes primary security responsibility and ensures counterterrorism efforts against al-Shabaab. Funding challenges were noted, and partners agreed to support Somalia in securing resources for the new mission.

Enhancing collaboration between Somalia’s federal and state governments was deemed critical for the new mission’s success.

Broad-ranging efforts to counter al-Shabaab were affirmed, including through the Somali military’s offensive to reduce the group’s territorial control. Effective stabilization, disrupting al-Shabaab’s financing, weapons procurement, recruitment and messaging capabilities were cited as priorities, alongside strengthening national security coordination.

The Quint Partners agreed to reconvene for their seventh meeting in Washington later this year.