Somali President Condemns Moscow Concert Attack

Published: March 23, 2024

MOGADISHU, Somalia (Horseed Media) – Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud forcefully condemned the terrorist bombing that struck a concert hall in Moscow, Russia on Friday, killing and injuring dozens.

Xasan Sheekh

In a statement released by his office, President Mohamud expressed his “deepest condolences to the victims, their families, and all those affected by this horrific tragedy.” He extended heartfelt sympathies to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian people as they mourn the deadly attack.

“The Somali government stands in solidarity with the Russian people at this difficult time and rejects all forms of violence and terrorism,” the Somali leader declared.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack late on Friday, in a post on Telegram in which the group claimed its gunmen had managed to escape afterwards. Latest reports indicate at least 60 people were killed and over 150 wounded in Russia’s worst terror attack in years.

Russian authorities had launched a mass investigation and manhunt for the perpetrators.

The Moscow concert bombing was one of the deadliest terrorist incidents in Russia since the Beslan school siege in 2004 that left over 300 dead.

Horseed Media