Somalia: al-Shabaab stones a teenage boy to death for ‘Rape’ allegations

Published: October 22, 2014

stoning in SomaliaSomalia’s hard-line al-Shabaab insurgents stoned a young man to death in Southern Somalia after he was found guilty of committing rape, an official has confirmed.

Hassan Ahmed Ali, 18, was killed in front of a crowd late on Tuesday in an unidentified place which is part of the Lower Shabelle region.

Al-Shabab official said Mr Ali had confessed to rape before an Islamic court.

‘’He raped Fatuma Mohamoud who is 28-years old by force with his gun,’’ said the unnamed official.

Al-Shabaab, which pledges loyalty to Al-Qaeda has been waging an insurgency since 2007 against the Western-backed government in a bid to impose its own strict version of Sharia law across the anarchic Horn of Africa nation.

In recent years, it banned smoking, playing soccer, watching movies, wearing bras, mobile internet anything it deemed Western.

Last month, the militants stoned a 33-year old married woman to death after she was found guilty of committing adultery in the port town of Barawe which was the last major stronghold of the extremists.

The town was liberated by the African Union peacekeepers and Somali national army two weeks ago.

The judicial system of the Al-Shabaab is often criticised by rights groups for lack defence attorneys, proper evidences and harsh punishment, hastily meted out.

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