Somalia: AU and Somali troops close in on al-Shabaab’s major stronghold

Published: October 1, 2014

operation-indian-oceanSomali government forces and African Union troops are about to advance on Somalia’s insurgents last major stronghold in the Southern part of the country, Military officials have confirmed.

Barawe, a coastal town, lies some 180 kilometres (110 miles) south of the capital Mogadishu, has been a key base for the insurgents since losing the control of Mogadishu in 2011 and Kismayo in 2012.

The allied forces made a significant progress in the last 24 hours, taking over two strategic towns from the militants in Middle shabelle region.

Reliable sources claim that the insurgents are planning to fight against the allied forces assault, yet other sources claim that some fighters have started to flee from the town.

Somali forces and AMISOM troops last month launched ‘’Operation Indian Ocean’’ in an effort to push out of the country the al-Shabaab rebels.

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