SOMALIA: No help to fight piracy, says Puntland President

Published: June 9, 2010

Abdirahman Farole, President of Puntland State of Somalia (Horseed Media)

On Tuesday, President Abdirahman Farole of Puntland returned to Garowe, after a long trip abroad.
During a press conference held in the presidential palace, Farole hailed the recent rescue of Hijacked ship MV QSM Dubai by the Puntland forces.
“…it is the third time that Puntland forces successfully rescue a hijacked vessel, this is a surprise to the world but no one is helping us to fight piracy….” Says President Farole who just returned from a trip to Turkey and UAE.
Mr.Farole called for the international community to help Puntland combat piracy. He says his government is against the payment of ransom, which he says will encourage more piracy in Somalia.
President Farole was among Somali delegates attending the Istanbul conference on Somalia, in May. He says the conference was an unique opportunity for Somalia, adding that his government was working hard to get more development projects to Puntland.
The President of Puntland also for the first time commented on recent clashes in Buhoodle, accusing the SSC rebels for instigating the violence in the region.
“…it is up to the Puntland government to deal with the situation in the disputed regions, we are against the so called SSC rebels who are instigating violence in the region….”says Farole.
On 21st of May, Ethiopian troops killed more than 14 civilians in Buhodle town, in Cayn region of Puntland State.
The clash in Buhodle was one of the bloodiest in Puntland for years, Ethiopian soldiers killed 14 civilians in the town, after the locals protested against the incursions and the harsh treatments of the Ethiopian border troops.
Horseed Media

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