Somalia President rejects resignation calls

Published: May 7, 2014
Somalia President rejects resignation calls
Somali President waves to his supporters in Mogadishu

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has rejected calls for his resignation, after returning to Mogadishu on Wednesday from UAE and Ethiopia trips.

The President was received by a large crowd of his allies and government officials  in the airport and security was tightened upon his arrival.

Mogadishu airport was left flooded after heavy rainfalls hit the capital on Tuesday night.

Responding to questions about MPs call for him to step down, President Mohamud said that he was ready to present himself for ‘’accountability’’.

‘’ I am welcoming every citizen’s opinion and everyone has the right to express his view…. Therefore, am ready to face accountability,’’ he said.

Two days ago, over 100 members of the Federal Parliament called for the president to resign, accusing him for failing to implement his pledges when he was voted in 2012.

The members of Parliament vowed to ‘‘impeach’’ him, had he refused to resign.

Analysts say that it’s the largest opposition the President had faced since taking over power and his way of response could lead the MPs to bring motion against him in the Parliament.

Horseed Media      

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