UN strongly condemns murder of Interior Minister in Mogadishu

Published: June 11, 2011

Nairobi, 11 June 2010 – The UN Special Representative for Somalia, Dr Augustine P.Mahiga, has expressed his shock over the callous murder of the Interior Minister of theTransitional Federal Government of Somalia in an apparent suicide attack in Mogadishu.
The Interior Minister, Abdishakur Sheik Hassan Farah, who also was Minister for National Security, was killed in the blast at his home on 10 June.
Dr Mahiga conveyed his deep condolences to the bereaved family and to the Government of Somalia and expressed his hope that anyone injured in the blast would recover soon.
“This attack must be condemned by all those who want to see Somalia back on track to peace and security,” said Dr Mahiga. “The violent minority who carry out such vicious attacks must not be allowed to disrupt the ongoing peace process.”

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