SOMALIA President: Civilians should ‘avoid’ Al-Shabab areas!

Published: September 13, 2022

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has said that the government forces and the countries that support them will target the territory held by the Al Shabab group.

President Hasan, who was speaking at the closing of the Mogadishu meeting of the Somali leaders, said that the government forces will target al-Shabaab militias in central and southern Somalia.

In recent weeks, there have been fierce battles in Hiran and Galgaduud regions between Al Shabaab militias and government forces with the help of tribal militias.

Somali National Army (SNA) backed by local militia dubbed Ma’awisley killed more than 100 al-Shabab militants and liberated over 20 villages during security operations carried out in two regional states on Sunday.

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