Today, the Security Minister of Puntland State of Somalia, General Yusuf Ahmed Khair, said Puntland will step up the against pirates during a press Conference in Bosaso.
Talking to journalists in his office, the minister said that the pirates have increased their attacks on the high seas. Gen.Yusuf condemned the latest hijackings of the Somali owned boats, the minister said the pirates have hijacked at least 8-dhows owned by Somali local traders, who were bringing goods and other merchants to Somali seaports.
”The Pirates used to hijack Cargo ships, but now they have started to hijack the small boats that brings food and other facilities to the Somali people who are suffering due to the Civil war, we wont allow them to hurm the country. We will take hard steps to fight the pirates and we are asking the Somali People to help us defeat them”, he said.
The minister confirmed that there were meeting between Puntland officials and NATO navy officers, to discuss how to cooperate in the fight against Somali pirates.
”We discussed several issues in that meeting, the main point was how to work together in the anti-piracy mission”,he added.
Last week, Somali pirates hijacked about 9-small boats used by somali local traders, those hijackings were condemned the Somali business community, who demanded the pirates to release the hijacked dhows.
Horseed Media
Somalia:Puntland government Says it will tackle the Pirates
Published: April 3, 2010