Somalia’s leaders in a consultative conference on drought and terrorism

Published: September 12, 2022

On Sunday, the Somali capital, Mogadishu, launched a consultative conference between the leaders of the African country, in an indication of the efforts of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to overcome political differences while the country threatens the risks of drought and terrorism.

The two-day conference was chaired by President Sheikh Mahmoud, with the participation of Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Berri, and heads of federal states.

Political differences between the central government and regional heads of state have long represented a stumbling block to the Horn of Africa country’s dedication to addressing the most prominent economic security challenges, at a time when warnings of a drought that is expected to continue for the fifth year in a row are increasing.

According to a statement from the Somali presidency, the leaders will discuss on the agenda of the conference controlling the security of the country, dealing with the drought crisis, fighting terrorism and other issues, including political and economic issues of national priority during the coming period.

Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaranka oo si rasmi ah uga furmay

The conference is the first since the formation of the new Somali government in early August to correct the course of relations between the federal government and the regions.

The conference comes ahead of an upcoming regional and international foreign visit by President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud to Kenya and the United States to discuss international and regional support in the issues of drought and combating terrorism.

While the drought crisis poses an economic challenge to the Somali government, the danger of al-Shabab remains with its control over large areas in the center and south of the country.

And last month, the Somali president called on his citizens to prepare for a decisive battle with Al-Shabaab, which has recently begun to expand its activity to neighboring countries.

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